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Friday, February 24, 2012

need to have a meeting.

Here is the roster:
Bob,Steve, Aaron Couts, Aaron Haines,Larry D.,Cody.Rick and Hunter Baker.Troy and Andy, Trent,J.J. Ong and son, Bernie Haines(you know you're going). We need to get together to see how much milk and orange juice we need. Will try to plan something for early April. The date of departure will be 7/12 or 7/13

Monday, February 6, 2012

Anyone Out There?

Just wondering if anyone has been checking the post from time to time? Looks like it could be a full camp this year. Sounds like the trip could be interesting with Baker back in action and with Hunter Showing his dad how to fish. I hope Richard is getting some ice cut, or it could be a long week of drinking warm beer.
Let's get this blog rolling again. It helps the time fly by a little quicker until we are able to get our lines wet. Take care boys.