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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Troy's post from 2009

This only had one response in 2009 and that is a tragedy.  I think it is time to revisit it.

Some of my Favorite Things

Here are some of my favorite parts of our yearly trip.

-Hearing Dad's diesel fire up when it's time to pull out of the driveway.
-A hot hamburg at the upper deck.
-The drive from the boarder to Wawa.
-Getting off the plane at the Pines and giving Rodney a hard time.
-The boat ride to the chutes. (this is my favorite time of the whole year)
-Seeing some of the familiar scenery on every turn of the river for the first time of the year.
-Coming around the last turn and getting the first look at the Chutes.
-The feel of a hook set.

 Walleye Killer comment
The smell of a crisp morning stepping outside the cabin is one thing that is burned into my memory. I smelled that smell one morning when left my hotel in Seattle.

The glassy river as you leave the trappers cabin and make your way to the fish market.

The sound of a loon along with the water splashing up on the side of the aluminum boat.

"There's one"

The sound of the screen door slamming shut on the back cabin.

The smell of a pic burning.


  1. How about these?

    1. The feeling you get knowing the last boat has been hauled up the hill.
    2. The incredible joy of knowing that your boat partner successfully netted a pot winner.
    3. Seeing Dad take a power nap. This doesn't happen in the states.

  2. The anticipation like Christmas as a little kid does it for me.

  3. Steak fry on the rock.
    getting a great nights sleep on a mattress you wouldn't have in your home.
    Blueberry pancakes.
    Six miles(sometimes more) of river just for us.
    Knowing the the same trip we take every year will be different and better and worse than the last one.

  4. The Virtue Weigh-in
    Landing on Pine Lake
    Bernie's pink shirt (RIP)
    Hitting the narrow channel on your way to the Chutes (almost there)

    1. At the downstream end of the narrow channel are some nice fish- Check with Trent, I think he caught a couple there.

    2. I don't need to check with anyone. I was the only reason we were fishing there in the first place. That year was a nightmare. I prefer to discuss 2011.

  5. Rod and reel assembly on the back steps.

    1. Let the record show that if I hadn't taken his phone out of his hands, he still wouldn't be commenting on this blog. He is technologically challenged.
