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Monday, July 1, 2013

Angler Spotlight - Troy C.

First, let me apologize to Troy.  I intended to get yours posted after mine but things keep getting sprung on me at the last minute and I have to write last minute spotlights.  I am not pointing any fingers but if I were, they'd be pointing directly at Bernie and Cody.  Now, to the business end of this spotlight.  My feelings on Troy's chances changed dramatically once Andy went under the knife.  My god, the things Troy is going to have to do in that boat.  Sweet Brown, of YouTube fame, said it best when she said "Ain't nobody got time for that!"  (If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and watch the original clip.)  Troy was finally getting to the point when he didn't have as many duties in the boat.  Now he is right back to when Andy was 10.  There is almost a zero percent chance he can keep a line in the water long enough to win FOTW.  That isn't to say it won't be a good week.  They will have a good time.  They will catch fish.  But man, motor...anchor...put the stringer over the side....hand me a rod...can you get me a worm...I can't tie this knot with this finger...I got one can you get the net...go ahead and take that off the hook....put it on the third hook of the stringer...I need another worm...whoop, got cleaned on my other rod, need a minnow...I got one can you get the net...For six days straight.  Ain't nobody got time for that.  Keep him busy, Andy.  It is his job.

1 comment:

  1. plus they may have to take a half of day to try and catch Troy's rod that a 11" walleye took over the side... no fault of Andy's what so ever....
