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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Change of venue - IMPORTANT

Packing of vehicles will now be done at the palatial Couts estate in Gilmore, OH.  I have it on good authority that the mosquito population on Main St. has reached the intolerable level.  2nd only to the place we are packing to go.  Please confirm you are aware by commenting on this post.  Only one West Virginian required since you are all riding together.

I am obviously aware...and thankful.


  1. If you are all opposed to leaving from Bob's we can still leave from here. However I would recommend that you know your blood type and perhaps bring 1 or 2 units with you.

  2. I'll pass the word to the other "Hillbillies"! Go to Bob's---Not Steve's on Friday morning.

  3. Got the message. Bob is going to be pissed because you didn't run this by him before you made the decision. Just one more reason to give you the WTF award.
    Just so you know, the beer has arrived. It made me smile looking at that pile of Beauty in my garage.

  4. Just a thought but we could leave from Troy's. You do realize that Gilmore has bugs also.

  5. I didn't make the decision. I was just asked to post it.

  6. We could leave from Wadsworth. No bugs and it is an hour closer. :)

  7. We could just man up and leave from the same place we have for the last 20 years.

  8. I just need to know who is making the final decision so I can pass it on to the other West Woodsfield boys.

  9. Gilmore....Unless you hear otherwise. I don't think Troy's place is far enough from that swamp to make a huge difference but maybe I'm wrong.

  10. can use the bakers if you want. it's a little closer and lots of parking... up to you

  11. Hell lets just drive to Larry's and load up since we are already driving the wrong direction.

  12. Want to just pick me up in Motown since you're driving all over the place?

  13. I think Andy may have been correct when he compared this blog to his twitter feed.

  14. Wtf is seven minutes out of a 15 hour drive.. stop your whining
