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Monday, June 3, 2013

Angler Spotlight - Hunter B.

This year marks Hunter's second to the Chutes and he is with a guy that knows all the spots, and could put him on the fish.  He has obviously had a pole in his hands before and seems willing to run to the cooler and back without too much hassle.  Let me tell you why he isn't going to win fisherman of the week.  Do you know who his teacher was this year?  Trent.  Do you know who he lost a bet to this year?  Trent.  Hunter will spend so much time making sandwiches, icing down coolers, filling up gas tanks, bailing out boats, filling up minnow buckets, etc., how will he be able to focus on fishing? He will be a reason the camp directors are able to make this such an enjoyable trip for everyone.  They won't have to do anything in their boat.  Hunter will have a couple lunchtime pot winners but in the end, if any of you win a fish pot, some of that money is bound to be Hunter's.


  1. as far as Will's review.....
    A couple of things Will, 1st be careful with that comment about every rookie catches a big one. now if you work hard i have no doubt that you will (your right Ryan that name thing is fun)But Trent went 20 plus years before he caught a big fish, i believe several years he didn't catch any fish. ((in his defense he was on vacation)) 2nd -sounds like your dad wants you to be his personal wet nurse, ((net his fish get his drink)) you need to put a stop to that right away.. i recommend the 1st time your dad gets a nice walleye on just refuse to net it, this will do two things, establish order of command and get a great story for the rest of us back in camp.. However if he loses the fish you will need to find a new boat to fish out of(((maybe grandpa Steve,, sounds like he will have candy))
    As for the Bob/Trent cooler stock from HB. if Hunter stocks their cooler and gasses their boat and gets their worms as good as he did our boat last year those two will spend all week paddling back to camp to get more beer gas and worms. as HB chucks A worm on top A beer in the cooler and tells them good luck. But in his defense as a fisherman he will beat the water to a frothy foam. there is no quit.. However unlike my advise to will if i tell old Freddie to get the net or get me a beer, he better drop whatever he is doing and get it taken care of.. because this stuff isn't going to do itself

  2. Walleye Killer, I don't know if I completely agree with your assessment of Hunter and his fishing skills. I will say this your wallet when it comes to evening card playing entertainment. I don't think he is interested in fish pot money..only cause he will pay for his trip Las Vegas style with Couts boys money!

  3. First of all I wil not be filling anyones cooler but my own because Trent screwed me on that deal. I had the question right and he changed it when he was grading it. I might throw a little something in the cooler for Bob but Trent can suck it. And by the way I plan on winning a couple of fish pots.

    1. I just lost all respect for all you assholes. For 35 years I have done everything I can to make this a great trip for everyone. If that means purposely losing fishing pots, I was glad to do it. To hear you guys talk so negatively about me hurts me to the bone. What you have done is made me realize that this trip is about me and no one else. From this moment forward you are all dead to me.
