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Monday, June 17, 2013

Angler Spotlight - Rick B.

From here on out is what I like to call...The meaty part of the bone.  Sure I spent time writing the other reviews but here is where it starts to get fo' real.  I sat here this morning (sure I could have been doing something productive) thinking about the last time Rick and I were in camp together.  I don't know what the answer is.  I think it has been 11 years.  I wasn't there last year so this review is mostly based on a previous millennium.  Rick does three things extremely well.  1.  Consistently drinks the amount of beer he is allotted at the meeting and will never shy away from helping others.  Pure. Selflessness.   2.  Stumbles upon big fish - Big Walleye, Big Pike...doesn't matter.  He always seems to find a couple.  3.  Throws tantrums like none other upon missing a strike.  He also gets more strikes than anyone else in camp because he will slap that rod on the water on average every 23. 4 seconds.  We can't change #1.  And lets be honest, who would want to?  If it weren't for that we would all have missed out on Rick, Sr. berating a barely coherent Rick, Jr. in Elsas.  Good times.  If he can continue #2 and limit #3, Rick is a serious contender for FOTW.  The real hurdle is going to come from the smack talk that could come from the front of his boat.  There is a real possibility that at the first rod smack on the water that Hunter could get up in his kitchen and do some cookin'.  Actually, I think it might be fun to list in the comments the one liners Hunter could use after the infamous slap of the water and cussing.  If Rick stays focused, he will be in the conversation.  If he let's Hunter get to him (and Hunter, I think you should try) it could be a long week in that boat.

So I will start with an example,   Rick feels a bump, sets the hook and comes up empty. (probably due to using 1/4 oz jigs.)  Rick smacks the water, drops a couple of F-bombs.  Then Hunter, from the front of the boat with out stopping what he is doing says "maybe you just don't have it anymore."


  1. Ok, while I would love to deny some of this I’m afraid it is pretty much spot on. I do like to have a few pork chops (“pork chop in every can” in loving memory of Spank and Skidmore) and on occasion I will show my frustration of missing a hit with verbal and visual reactions.. With that being said, me and old Freddie have been going back and forth for so long he can’t get under my skin, However if Trent starts to get a lead we could put HB in his boat they fight like 2 little girls. And I got to tell you Ryan, while it has not come to a complete stop I have mellowed quite a bit in my old age. One advantage I will have is Hunter will keep us on the water all day and all night so as long as I keep a line in the water there is always a chance. But most importantly I just want you all to know that no matter how many more fish I catch than the rest of you; regardless of the awards I win; you guys are all winners to me.. WELL most of you (larry).

  2. and on that Rick Sr thing.. i'm sure he is over that by now,, besides the fault of that conversation was not mine, if he would have just waited a few minutes till i was done throwing up we could have talked like 2 adults. i mean talking wasn't my strong suit right then but you know what i mean. i told him i wasn't driving the 1st leg home anyhow.

  3. I agree. He was a little bit unreasonable in that moment. Trent, I am sure, will have his own challenges. I am really not sure if anyone has a chance to win this thing. Troy is almost certainly out since he will be Jerry McGinniss all week. Trent, well,...Dad, too old, not enough functioning man parts....Aaron, doesn't remember how to fish....Bob will have too many bushes to trim, that really just leaves me and I doubt I can go back (skip a year) to back.

  4. Texas Bob waiting for his review should be a good one,such a good guy. Got a new fancy fishing net for Father's day from no. 1 son. Trent and I will be scooping them up and filling the boat. Andy has 9 other fingers he should be fine,I've walked around on a broken foot for 3 years and an injured shoulder. The Couts boys are tuff.

  5. Rick will have a good week if we can get him out of the driveway before he hurts himself

  6. The only way Rick has a chance at FOTW is if Hunter does exactly what his dad tells him to. After a year of witnessing Hunter in the classroom, I know that Hunter doing what people ask without question is impossible. Hunter will be Rick's downfall.

  7. Trent i'm going to make him drop the anchor and pick it up. drop the anchor pick it up. get dad a beer. drop the anchor and pick it up... then repeat the whole cycle. he is in full football lifting mode and i don't want him to lose a step so i'm just doing what i think is best for him. plus i will get thirsty watching him do all that work.

  8. Well I'm very greatful of all the wonderful thingas you guys think about me. I guess when I out fish you all I'll get a little respect.

  9. Yeah, Hunter, I don't think that is the way that works. Trent had the year of all years in 2009 (minus one small hiccup) and he still doesn't get any.
