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Sunday, June 30, 2013

No longer Orphaned...

As many of you know I got orphaned when Cody decided to make the trip.  Pete and Repeat just couldn't be separated for a week and Cody would not know what to do with that extra lotion he has for Larry while Larry was away.  So I considered not making the trip (for about 30 seconds),  and I thought about fishing 3 to a boat.  (Can you imagine Pete and Repeat all day long??)  I even considered fishing alone,  which might be sad ... a guy orhaned and crying in his beer.  I really knew the Couts boys would help me out no matter with another boat and motor.  Then I thought .... WWRD..(What would Ryan do?)  Screw his brother..So after a long and heated discussion with his brother...Big Fish is in.  Three cases of Bud light and a gallon of milk  and he's good.  I'm glad  I read back though these posts and was reminded that I too have a younger brother that with a little inspiration from Ryan ...I could screw!


  1. I cast one vote for B. Haines for FOTW

  2. which is pretty odd since I usually vote for myself

  3. I guess we should start having our meeting the Saturday before we leave. 11 months clearly ain't enough time to get things in order. I also have a cot.

  4. Awesome. Oh boy. i may have to do some editing of these angler spotlights.
